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The Westman Communications Group #ConnectingWestman Tour Kicks off in Killarney, MB

By: Westman Communications
Posted: May 23, 2019 13:28

Westman Communications Group (Westman) officially kicked off the #ConnectingWestman Tour in Killarney, MB on May 16, 2019.

The successful day saw $1,400 raised at the Charity barbecue with all proceeds going to the Killarney-Turtle Mountain Fire Department, with Westman matching the proceeds raised, for a total of $2,800!

“I would like to thank Westman Communications Group and Boundary Co-op for the barbecue yesterday,” said Killarney-Turtle Mountain Fire Department Fire Chief Troy Cuvelier.” A great success and weather cooperated for good food and good company. The proceed raised are going towards the new fire hall!”

Westman made other stops during the day including starting off the morning right with Coffee on Q at the Blarney Stone, an open house for the public to come in and ask our knowledgeable staff questions, a charity barbecue with all proceeds going to the Killarney Turtle Mountain Fire Department. Westman also thanked local businesses for their continued support of the company at an event held at The Computer Store in the evening.

“We are incredibly happy with how the first stop on the #ConnectingWestman Tour was perceived by the town of Killarney and the support that they showed us,” said Westman Communications Group Marketing Manager Courtney Baxter. “ It was a great day and to top it all off, we were able to raise $2,800 for the Killarney-Turtle Mountain Fire Department to go towards fundraising for their new hall.”

The next stop on the #ConnectingWestman Tour is Russell on July 17, followed by Virden on September 11. For all the details on #ConnectingWestman Tour:

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