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Are you having internet issues? Solving the problem may be easier than you think. Below are five of the most common reasons people have internet issues and simple solutions:
Ensure that your speeds are what they should be for your internet plan! You can test your device speeds in real-time with our Westman Internet speed test. The speed test will let you see how your current network is performing in terms of download and upload speeds!
If possible, test your speed with a device that is directly connected to your modem, that way you are getting the best reading possible. Keep in mind, that Wi-fi connections may not actualize your speeds the way a direct wired connection would.
If you're still having issues, our Technical Support Team would be more than happy to chat! Call us at 204-725-4300 or go online to our support site HERE.
If you have any comments or questions, or you have a topic that would make a good blog post, please email us at marketing@westmancom.com