Understanding Wi-Fi: Tips for Optimizing Your Connection
What is the difference between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks?
In theory, 5 GHz has less range capabilities than its 2.4 GHz counterpart, however, the main benefit of 5 GHz is that it will be impacted less by interference of other wireless devices operating in the same band. Therefore, given the lack of interference, it may end up having the same range as a 2.4 GHz network.
Heavily populated areas such as apartments, condos, and townhouses may benefit from having 5 GHz as the sole Wi-Fi network. This is due to the resiliency to interference of the 5 GHz network. Another reason that 5 GHz is recommended is due to the fact that only the 5 GHz networks can use 802.11ac.
What causes Wi-Fi interference?
Almost everything in your house can cause interference with your wireless signal, including both physical and electrical. This can include, but is not limited to:
Cordless phones
Neighbouring Wi-Fi Routers
Other Wireless devices
Shiny or dense materials
Tile, concrete, plastered walls
Wired connection vs. Wireless connection
Wi-Fi is super convenient, but when possible, connecting your device directly to your router with an Ethernet cable is the better option. Why? Wi-Fi signals can sometimes lose bits of data as they travel through the air, which might slow things down. A wired connection avoids this issue, and many people notice up to a 30% boost in speed when they switch from wireless to wired.
More Devices = Slower speeds
Westman provides its customers with several internet packages. These packages are delivered to the router and, after it has gone to the router, it is distributed as needed to all devices currently in use. If you have 30 Mbps download and have 5 devices in use, we do not expect each device to have 30 Mbps, but rather they share the 30 Mbps.
Analogy: Internet is like the water in your home, when you have one tap on the pressure is at 100%, but when the washing machine, dishwasher, and all taps are on, you cannot expect that every tap’s pressure will be at 100%.