

My Westman Portal: Online Payment Instructions

  1. Go to https://mywestman.westmancom.com
  2. Register to “My Westman” account using your Westman Communications Group credentials. a. Click “Sign Up” at the bottom of the page. b. Enter your email address (this can be any personal email address) and your chosen password. Select “continue”. c. Follow the on-screen prompts to enter your first name, last name, Westman account number and the last name on your account. Select “Submit”. d. To match your identity as the primary account holder, you will be asked some additional questions. Once you’ve provided this information, select “submit”.
  3. Click the blue box on the left-hand side that says “View or Pay Bill”.
  4. Click “Pay Now” to make a one-time payment. a. If you would like to have a recurring monthly payment, click “Automatic Withdrawals”.
  5. Enter your credit card information in the fields on the View or Pay Bill page.
  6. If you want your credit card information to be remembered for the future, click “Remember this card” at the bottom of the page.
  7. Once you have double-checked that your information is correct, click “Pay”.
  8. You will be redirected to a page that gives you a confirmation number, along with a message that your payment has been approved.
  9. If you have any questions, please contact 204-571-0501 or 1-800-665-3337 ext. 2803.

My Westman Online Payment Portal FAQs

  1. What type of Credit Cards can be used to pay my bill online? You can use Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
  2. Can my payments come out automatically every month? Yes, there is an option for a one-time payment and recurring. To have your bill come out automatically you will need to check the “Automatic Withdrawal” selection on the View or Pay Bill page.
  3. If I have multiple accounts can I manage them all in the portal? Yes, you can manage them all in the portal. The accounts can be managed separately or together.
  4. How soon will my payment be applied to my account after I make an online payment? It will be applied to your account 24-48 hours after you make a payment online.
  5. Can I have automatic payments come out of multiple accounts? Yes, it will be the same process as if you had a single account.
  6. What other remote payment options are available to me currently other than the My Westman Portal? The different payment options that are available are listed below: • Pre-authorized deposit (PAD); • Online or telephone banking; • At our office by cash, cheque (could be mailed), debit card, Visa, MasterCard; or • At our 24-hour night deposit box located at: 1906 Park Ave., Brandon, Manitoba R7A 2Y3 • My Westman account portal (credit card payment) at https://mywestman.westmancom.com (one-time or recurring payment options available)
  7. How come I don’t see all my accounts listed in the portal? An account must be active, have active services or have a balance to show up in your portal.
  8. Why am I unable to download my billing statement? The PDF version of your bill will not be available for 24-48 hours after a statement date.